Did you know, England uses up to 4.7 billion plastic straws, 1.8 billion plastic cotton buds and 316 million plastic stirrers every single year? With figures like this, it’s no wonder the UK government banned these single-use items back in October 2020!

Several months on, the administration remains dedicated to removing the worst-offending plastic products, meaning businesses now face growing pressure to change the way they operate. Many have already taken steps to reduce how much plastic they use. Here, we highlight four big-name brands that are leading the way in the food and drink industry… 


As a company that heavily relies on plastic, evian isn’t exactly ditching the material for good. But, back in 2020, the business introduced its latest innovation in sustainable packaging: label-free, recyclable water bottles made from 100% recycled plastic. It hopes to roll this out across all its water bottles in the not-too-distant future, ultimately becoming a ‘fully circular’ brand by 2025. 


Another market leader that’s saying goodbye to single-use plastic is Nestlé, the largest food and beverage company in the world. In 2021, Nestlé-owned Smarties became the very first global confectionery brand to switch to recyclable paper packaging. This shift is a major step in the corporation’s plan to make all of its packaging recyclable or reusable by 2025 – something we can certainly get on board with! 


Also in 2021, Starbucks announced plans to move away from single-use plastics, including straws and cups. The multinational organisation is already piloting a two-month borrow-and-return programme in five Seattle-based stores, allowing customers to order their favourite drinks in a reusable cup, rather than a disposable one. This is all part of the coffee giant’s goal to reduce waste by 50% by the year 2030. 

Burger King UK 

Early in 2021, Burger King UK made a commitment to improve sustainability practices across the business, with the aim of tackling climate change and addressing responsible consumption. Its goal is to replace 100% of its packaging with renewable, recycled or certified plastic-free alternatives by 2025. Burger King has already ditched plastic straws and non-biodegradable toys, so we believe it will honour this commitment. 

How Silven can help

All companies want to do more to help the planet, and abandoning single-use plastic is definitely a step in the right direction. But when it comes to delivering real change in your business, it takes more than one person to make a difference – you need a team of experts behind you. That’s where we come in.

At Silven, we provide tailored recruitment solutions to the food and drink manufacturing sector, and are best placed to support you in your search for mid, senior and even board-level candidates. To discover how our experienced permanent and interim teams can help fill your open vacancies, call us today on 0161 832 7463.